Category Page

Unlimited number of categories and products: The platform ensures a fast operation of a website with any number of categories and products.
Unique properties for every category are used to describe products in detail, filter, and compare them.
Product modifications: Products may differ in color, size, volume and other parameters. Every variant may be assigned its own item number, price, photo and other properties. Yet all the variants can be united into one product page with an option to dynamically switch between the variants.
Automatic recalculation of price according to currency range: Prices for products may be determined in different currencies. It is sufficient to maintain the actual currency rate in order to automatically update prices.
Placing one product in several categories: Every product can be placed in the main category as well as in several additional categories. It allows creating virtual categories, for example: “Sale” or “Products of the Week”. Also, arranging accessories in different categories with no need to double the goods.
Setting the product availability status: This helps to define what availability status each product has. This is changed depending on the available supply for each product.
Adjustable filtration: This provides a possibility to set up the required filtering parameters for every section, including filtering by color and price with a free-range selection. It is also possible to set up cross-cutting filtering of product catalogs by properties like “Sales”, “Brand New”, and “Top Seller”.
The product list will be updated without reloading the page; when using filters, changing filter order or switching to another page.
Adjustable mini card: Except for basic information (name, photo, price) you can display additional elements, such as SKU, rating, stickers, stock status, buy button, and add product to favorites/comparison button, etc.
Advanced data when hovering the cursor over the product: Options, product variants and changing the image while hovering.
Landing pages for categories and brands: Additional data can be placed here apart from the product list, such as banners, sub-category tree, SEO-text, links to related articles and other data units.
Recently viewed items: A customer can quickly go back to any product they viewed during the current visit.
When comparing products; Customers have the possibility to choose between goods by comparing their technical properties.
B2B Groups of buyers: This allows you to display different prices and configure access to site pages for separate lists of customers.
Warehouse stock balance: Products can be added to the warehouse stock, either manually or by importing from Excel file or accounting program by means of integrated API. When processing an order, the required number of products is automatically removed from warehouse balance along with product status changing. In the case of order cancellation, the values are correctly adjusted to the warehouse balance.