Instagram is one of the most popular social networks of our time, and many online stores create pages there to use as a promotion channel. The key to effective promotion is hidden in Instagram algorithms - understanding how they work will help to succeed.
In this article, we will tell you how Instagram algorithms work, how they influence their work and how you can successfully promote your store page on Instagram.
Instagram is one of the most popular social networks of our time, and many online stores create pages there to use as a promotion channel. The key to effective promotion is hidden in Instagram algorithms - understanding how they work will help to succeed.
In this article, we will tell you how Instagram algorithms work, how they influence their work and how you can successfully promote your store page on Instagram.
How the Instagram algorithm works
The algorithm task is to evaluate the content from the people a user is subscribed to and choose the one that best meets the reader's interests. If you subscribe to a thousand accounts, there won't be a thousand posts from them in your feed - the algorithm will filter out most of them and leave the most interesting ones. By removing everything unnecessary from the news feed, Instagram tries to keep the user as long as possible, so he won't get bored.
Only the social network developers know perfectly how the algorithm works, but the experience of using Instagram allows you to understand the mechanism, at least in general. It is possible to distinguish several main stages through which posts pass on their way to success - getting into recommendations.
Engagement Assessment
A publicized post is shown to a fraction of subscribers, and Instagram tracks their reactions, gauging engagement. Engagement is the sum of swears, comments, saves and clicks on the "Share" button relative to the number of followers. If the users who see the post are actively engaged, Instagram considers the publication relevant and exciting.
Content evaluation
Even though Instagram focuses on visual content, the algorithm still evaluates the text content of posts. According to them, the platform determines the topic, which is significant when selecting the posts according to the user's interests.
Profile Rating
The algorithm evaluates the importance of the profile that made the post. Instagram looks at how often users open the profile, remember it and interact with it in every way - the more often, the better for the account's reputation.
Getting into recommendations
Based on the evaluation of the post and profile, as well as content topic and keywords, the publication can get into recommendations. For profile promotion, it is comparable to win the jackpot.
What affects the algorithm
User interests
User interests are the main guideline in the algorithm's work. Instagram tries to adjust to them as much as possible. It studies what posts the user likes, who he subscribes to, and what topics are his priority. If your profile and content meet the reader's interests, they will see it as often as possible.
Relationship with the user
Instagram tries to show exciting content and posts from profiles that are important to the user. It can be family, friends, acquaintances or accounts that get special attention. According to Instagram developers, the social network determines a user's relationship with other profiles based on: swearing, contacts in private messages, search history, and real-life acquaintances.
Posting time
The Instagram feed was previously based on a chronological principle when we showed posts by time of publication. Everything has changed with the transition to an algorithm - the main factor has become the relevance of the post, not its freshness. At the same time, Instagram tracks when a person logs in to the app.
If a user logs in at 8 p.m. and then at 7 a.m., the algorithm will only check for posts that appeared between that time and rank them by interest. All other posts will stay in the same order.
Frequency of app usage
If the user opens the app once a day, the algorithm will display a selection of the most interesting posts of the day. The publications will be even more filtered. If the user visits the app frequently and spends a lot of time, the algorithm will build the feed by relevance and chronology.
Myths about the Instagram algorithm
Photos and videos are rated differently
Photos and videos are equal for the platform, so the algorithm doesn't care what type of content you post. Everything is based on the user's interests: if he likes video and interacts with it better, he will see video content more often; if he likes photos, he will see more photos in the feed.
Frequent postings affect the algorithm's work
Instagram does not punish but also does not encourage the frequent publication of posts. The developers of the social network state that they strive to make the feed different, so if there are too many posts and they are irrelevant, then the publications will not get into the feed.
Business and personal profiles are treated differently
In the eyes of the algorithm, all profiles are equal, so business and personal accounts are evaluated equally.
The algorithm encourages those who publish stories
The only way to earn the algorithm's trust is to publish high-quality, exciting content. And what format it will be - posts, stories or live broadcasts - does not affect the platform's content score.
Tips for promoting your online store page
Build a relationship with your subscribers
Creating good content is essential, but more critical is to gain your audience's loyalty. The Instagram algorithm shows 90% of the content from friends and family, but this is only a conventional name for a group of people. The category of friends and family includes all the profiles important to the user, with whom they are constantly in contact - an online store can be one of these profiles.
To do this, comment on your readers' posts, respond to comments promptly and engage them in conversations with you. Gradually you will enter the same circle of close profiles, and the user will start to see your posts more and more often.
Use personal messages
The phrase "wrote to direct" annoy many users, but stores can't get away from it because it's one of the easiest ways to move communication to personal messages. Communicating in person is taken into account by Instagram's algorithm and helps build relationships with users.
Don't delete or hide posts
Keeping posts in your account is especially important for engagement metrics. These are a kind of "bookmarks in the browser" for social network users. Sometimes account administrators archive the posts they advertise, so they can clean up their profiles and not respond to users that the promotion is no longer relevant.
It is wrong: users often don't like or subscribe, but they keep the post with the product and buy it after a while. Hiding the publication means losing a customer. It is essential to analyze the statistics of publications by the number of saves and not to hide or delete posts having at least one save. The best solution is to edit the text.
Publish during your audience's activity periods
The Instagram app collects statistics on your audience from which you can learn your subscribers' periods of highest activity. The timing of posts and how often you use the app affect the social network's algorithm. You can get the best engagement from your audience by choosing the right time to post.
When to post, you need to decide in the most experienced way. It may be better to post before a surge of the activity or in the midst of it. Trying out different options will help you find the most effective time to reach your audience.
Choose your words wisely
We've already noted that Instagram evaluates the post's content and determines the topics of posts. The post's topic should meet the interests of the audience. If you are an online furniture store, write about chairs and sofas, but do not make posts about psychology. The entire profile should be devoted to one topic. Then the algorithm will be easier to understand you.
Cooperate with bloggers
Advertising from bloggers gives access to many thousands of people. In addition, bloggers are opinion leaders whose recommendations users tend to trust. Collaboration with them will provide the store recognition, help pump up the profile and attract new customers.
Do not use unfair promotion methods
Scoring subscribers, likes and comments will not help to promote the account but only cause sanctions from Instagram. The algorithm monitors the abnormal growth of these indicators, and boosting them will not make the profile more popular. Improve engagement naturally.
The success of promoting your store on Instagram depends on your ability to create relevant content and your relationship with your users. Even if algorithms change in the future, working with your audience will still be a key factor.