HR or Human Resources is a personnel manager. Sometimes this term refers to all company employees who work on the product or service. But more commonly, the term is used in the context of individual managers. HR performs a number of important duties in organizing personnel work, starting from hiring to solving work-related problems. Among the functions of an HR manager are:
- posting job vacancies — jointly with the company management, determines which positions and how many people need to be hired, and then creates the job posting;
- candidate selection — filters resumes, selects the most suitable options, and participates in interviews;
- employee adaptation — helps newcomers integrate into the team, familiarizes them with the principles and peculiarities of the company;
- employee development — ensures that staff develops, acquires new skills, and grows professionally;
- problem-solving — communicates with employees about their work-related problems and helps resolve them;
- organization of leisure activities — develops corporate events and other activities that help employees relax;
- employee motivation — implements bonuses that can improve employee productivity and also deals with salary increases.
As can be seen from the list, a competent HR manager solves most of the issues related to organizing personnel work. This is why such managers should be in every company that cares about its staff and wants to create good working conditions. HR can play the role of mentor, recruiter, advisor, etc. Often, the manager acts as a liaison between company management and ordinary workers. HR informs about the needs and moods of the staff, in a sense, protecting their interests. This depends on the working atmosphere in the company, which directly affects work efficiency.